Prešov city surroundings

Šariš (Hungarian: Sáros, German: Scharosch, Ukrainian: Шариш, Latin: Sarossiensis) is Slovak region and tourism region (full name Šariš region of tourism). The region is divided into Horný Šariš with its centre in Bardejov, and Dolný Šariš with its centre in Prešov.

In the younger Iron Age, the Celts expanded in this territory. This important ethnic group laid the foundations for ore mining and taught the original inhabitants of this territory to process metals. After the Celts, the oldest name of the territorySAOURIS has been preserved,which loosely translated means “high hill above the water”. The Celts named this region very accurately as they saw it back then. Natural etymological development helped shape today’s Šariš region. This name is several centuries older than the well-known LAUGARICIO in Trenčín. The settlement, from which the permanent settlement of this territory developed, dates from the 6th – 7th century and is documented by archaeological finds. In the past, the castle hill belonged to the seat of administration in the Middle Ages until 1647, then Prešov became the centre of the region. The city became an economic and cultural centre and, along with Košice, was one of the most important settlements in north-eastern Kingdom of Hungary. Today it does not lag behind and represents the centre not only of the Šariš region but also of the entire Prešov Region. In addition to its rich history and many historical, cultural and technical monuments, the city is also known for the fact that it takes you only a short trip to find exceptional places, towns, but also unique monuments of a global dimension.

The Salt Plant city district hides a unique Salt museum, The Salt Plant, which is a national cultural monument and is one of the most important technical monuments in Slovakia. A unique complex of technical facilities for pumping and cooking salt from brine dates back to the 17th century. The facilities for rock salt mining and brine pumping in The Salt Plant include in particular the shaft Leopold, brine storage),smelter, brewery, salt warehouse (chambers), blacksmith workshops and a tower. The name of the museum is no coincidence, since one of the rarest Geoparks in Slovakia stretches above The Salt Plant Geopark Slánske vrchy .This site offers the beauty of an untouched nature, history and a world class uniqueness, such as Opal Mines . On the opposite side to the Slánské vrchy hills to the northwest, you will find a unique history of the region and the second largest castle in Slovakia Šariš Castle, with the town of the same name. Next to it you will find the village Lačnov hidden by meadows full of herbs. Near it you can spot an anomaly  you have never heard about and a cave called Zlá diera (literal translation: Bad hole), located near Lačnov pass. It is impossible to mention everything worth seeing; nevertheless you can find all the information in our tourist attractions of the Saris region. 


Events in Šariš region


Thursday, September 26, 2024

Poetika bistro & coffee & wine, Hlavná, Prešov, Slovensko

Attractions in Šariš region

Centrum Savore Sigord je multifunkčné pobytové centrum, ktoré sa nachádza…

Ruská Nová Ves je obec na Slovensku v okrese Prešov. Nachádza sa 1 kilometer východne od…

Povráva sa, že v širokom okolí Prešova a Košíc nenájdete…

Spoznajte obľúbenú lokalitu miestnych obyvateľov z Kendíc – Kendický chotár….

Pre všetkých milovníkov adrenalínu, rýchlej jazdy a dobrej zábavy vznikla…

V čase, keby nebolo veľa áut, väčšina obyvateľov Tulčíka chodievala…

Majestátny, samotne stojaci horský kužeľ Stráž (740 m n. m.),…

Výsledkom treťohornej vulkanickej činnosti v Slanských vrchoch sú početné skalné…

Miestna časť mesta Veľký Šariš Kanaš je vzdialená iba 10…

Kastiel Zaborske
Pôvodne renesančný kaštieľ postavili v roku 1614. Stojí v strede…

Kaštieľ bol postavený na ruinách bývalého kláštora augustiniánov a predpokladá sa,…

Secesná kúria z 20. storočia je bloková jednopodlažná dvojtraktová nárožná…

Kaštieľ – neskoro-klasicistický solitér je z 2. polovice 19. storočia….

Rekreačno – oddychová zóna mesta Veľký Šariš – „Rybníky“ Rybníky…

Obec Tulčík leží v severnej časti okresu Prešov, na juhozápadnom…

Okolnosti vzniku hradu nie sú jasné. Jedna z teórií tvrdí,…

Hrad Lipovec leží v západnej časti Slanských vrchov na zalesnenej strmej vyvýšenine…

Ski Buče – skiing – cross-country skiing – ski mountaineering….

Kastiel Pechy izba
Historický kaštieľ Péchy nájdete v dedinke Hermanovce. V areáli zeleného anglického…

Saris Park Wellnes
Šariš Relax Centrum s relaxačným bazénom, saunovým svetom, masážami a kozmetikou je…

Penzión Šariš Park *** ponúka ubytovanie v komfortných izbách, ktoré…

The Classicist manor house Žipov Žipov lies in the southern…

Late Baroque manor house of the Piller family – Ruské…

The Renaissance Manor House Nižná Šebastová In Nižná Šebastová, the…

The Baroque “Hrabeczy” Manor House Kendice The municipality of Kendice…

The Baroque Hámoš Manor House, Demjata The oldest written record…

The Semsey Manor House Demjata The municipality of Demjata stands…

The Classicist manor house of the Banó family – Želmanovce…

The Eclectic Manor House of the Piller family – Ličartovce…

Renaissance Manor House Terňa The municipality of Terňa is one…

Late-Classicist manor house Radatice Radatice lies in the southeastern part…

Renaissance manor house Chmeľov The original castle was built by…

Late Baroque manor house Chminianská Nová Ves The municipality of…

Baroque-Classicist manor house Petrovany. The Baroque-Classicist manor house with a…

The Classicist manor house of the Sziney – Merse family…

The Renaissance manor house The manor house in Fintice has…

Župčany – Manor house – Jonáš Záborsky. Župčany existed before…

Classicistic Manor of the Ghillány family – Hendrichovce The village…

Walent Berthóty Renaissance Manor House – Fričovce In Fričovce everyone…

In the village you will also find a unique mausoleum…

Gallery and Museum of Folk Art, Fintice was established in…

The lookout tower, the hiking trail, the well with drinking…

If you seek peace, visit the mountain village of Lačnov…

The castle is built on a distinctive round rock at…

The smallest castle in the Šariš region – Lipovce Castle…

Kapušany Castle is a castle ruin on the rocky outcrop…

Hike around Šariš – Prešov, Za Kalváriou – Cemjata, the…

The Kysak Cave is undoubtedly one of the most significant…

Jánošík’s bastion is a rock limestone formation located west of…

A meadow full of irises. Mirkovská iris meadow was declared…

Lačnov gravitational anomaly. The world is full of peculiarities and…

Lačnov gorge – canyon. The Lačnov gorge (or canyon) was…

MTB Alžbeta is a mountain bike path that runs along…

The town is located below the Šariš castle hill, only…

Šariš circuit – Jarovnice – Renčišov – Buče – Bachureň – Lačnov.   The bike path is part of a large…

Slanská bike path – Prešov – Červenica. Cycling along the Slanská bike path, which leads through the…

Sigord – water reservoir with a shipyard. The Sigord water…

Unique Linden Alley Župčany The linden alley belongs to the…

Wellness Club Placidus Ruská Nová Ves. The wellness club is…

Kaplnka svätej Kunhuty
Late Gothic single-nave chapel with a polygonal-shaped presbytery and a…

The early Baroque Chapel of St. Elizabeth dates from the…

Pod hradným kopcom vo Veľkom Šariši vedie cyklotrasa, ktorá plynule…

Pamatnik vychodoslovenskeho povstania
Východoslovenské roľnícke povstanie alebo aj cholerové povstanie sa odohralo v…

The second largest castle in Slovakia – “Šariš Castle” -…