Manor House Chmeľov

Renaissance manor house Chmeľov

The original castle was built by the Knights of the Cross with the Red Star who settled in the territory of Chmeľov at the end of the 12th century. In the mid-forties of the fifteenth century, Chmeľov was seized by Bratríci, a group of former Hussite warriors. They took over the castle and build there another stone fortress to protect themselves from raiders active in the area. They chose a spot about 180 meters above Bobovár, on the hill Zadňa hura.
After the establishment of the military fortress, Bratríci took control of the surroundings of Chmeľov. However, in 1460 they were forced to retreat as the forces of Matej Korvín were approaching. Their “expansion” ended after an agreement with the king. Bratríci were forced to leave the castle. After their departure, the castle was destroyed.
However, the original castle was rebuilt into a Renaissance manor house at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries, and until the nineteenth century it was inhabited by several important families. It was renovated in the 18th and 19th centuries. The last renovation was led by the Fehérváry family.
After the World War II, the building served as school. The manor house has a large garden with several old trees. The manor house has been a national cultural monument since 1994, and now is privately owned by the company Panra-Karpatia.


Panra – Karpatia, s.r.o.
Chmeľov 210
08215 Chmeľov
Tel.: 00421 51 / 452 51 70, 051 / 748 28 61, 0905 243 069

Kaštieľ sa nachádza v severovýchodnom okraji obce Chmeľov a je v súkromnom vlastníctve, preto rešpektujte ich súkromie.



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