Raslavkameň – Abranovce

A mystical place – Raslavkameň (Raslavice Rock). In the mountains Slanské vrchy in the woods above Abranovce, there is a place called Dzeduchovské which hides a special natural formation called Raslavkameň. The cult stone has been known to only a few initiates and locals in the area. Its shape depicts a human face (skull) with openings for the eyes, nose and mouth. The stone is approximately 2m long, 1m wide and 0.75m high. The surface is covered with moss. The stone is said to have healing powers – people collect and drink water from the holes at the top, some even rub parts of their bodies with this water. It is said that nobody should touch the stone directly as it may transmit the disease it had cured in others. The water must be taken with a spoon, which then should be placed at the stone as an offering along with a coin – a payment for a medical procedure. In the past, women performed magical rituals here. After the ritual, women tied ribbons to the bushes in the area. Smaller archaeological research using a metal detector revealed various coins, the oldest being from the time of Joseph II. (1765-1790) (Smolník Mint) and also a large number of spoons and small ladles. Similar magical practices are widespread throughout the regions populated by Slavs and are evidence of a long tradition associated with Raslavkameň. Popular are also legends on the creation of Raslavkame – a tale of an unfortunate love between a knight and a peasant girl, a story about a girl cursed by her fiancée, a story of a man who got into a dispute with a mighty wizard. Even though the stories on the origin of the rock vary, one thing is certain – this unique rock is worth a visit. According to many, the stay at Raslavkameň fills you with positive energy.


How to get there

Raslavkameň can be reached along a yellow-marked tourist trail starting in Abranovce in about 30 minutes.



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