Manor in Hendrichovce

Classicistic Manor of the Ghillány family – Hendrichovce

The village Hendrichovce is situated in the Saris Highlands in the Valley of Svinka River. Residents were previously engaged in traditional agriculture and transportation. Until 1918 the village administratively belonged to the Saris Office. In the centre of the village you will find a historical monument – a classicistic manor house, which was built on older foundations. It is a one-storey; block building that has a small balcony with a metal lattice and the initials SG on the west side. It is believed that the first owner was Maria Hedri, who also had the local church repaired. Since the late 18th century, the manor house was owned by the Ghillány family, who used it as an advance to Joseph Ganczaugh and his wife. However, the greatest credit for the change of the curia to a classicistic manor house belongs to baron Šándor Ghillány, who had it enlarged and reconstructed in 1832. Those initials probably don’t belong to Sandor Ghillany, but to Stefan Ganczaugh, who has lived in the mansion all his life. But it’s just conjecture, as the initials fit to both owners.  Changes on the manor were being made to the beginning of the 20th century. The manor gained a new appearance in 2018, when the extensive reconstruction of the mansion began. The first stage includes the renovation of the facade and the outside of the building, while the interior reconstruction will be taking place later.


Obec Hendrichovce
Obecný úrad č. 19
082 35 Hendrichovce
Tel.:+421 51 779 51 07

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