The “Upper” Manor House Raslavice

The “Upper” Manor House Raslavice

Baroque manor house Raslavice

In the Middle Ages, the municipality of Raslavice was one of the many medium-sized settlements existing in the region. Over the time, it was owned by various aristocratic families. The majority of the population subsisted on agriculture, of which only about a third farmed on their own estates. The decree of the canonical visitation in the parish of Maďarské Raslavice (Hungarian Raslavice) from 1813 features names of important high-class members, namely: Alxi Andrej Winkler, Antonij Sztankay, Jozef Hedry, Ľudovít Bertoty, Žigmund Raszlaviczy. In 1814, the Russian Tsar Alexander I stayed for a while in this manor house. There are no detailed records of the owners of the manor house and the estate. The estate was divided into three parts. The first part was sold to inhabitants of the municipality around 1900 – the “Upper” manor house (currently the Monastery of St. Joseph) was probably built in the second half of the 17th century and rebuilt in the 18th century. The rest of the property was owned by the Bertoti family. The nobleman Dr. Haber bought the estate from the Bertoti family. He ordered a construction of farm buildings and stables, as horseback riding and racing were his hobby. His wife was an actress. They did not understand much about the management of such an estate as they lived a lavish life with all its ups and downs. Before the outbreak of the World War I in 1914 they left for Vienna and never returned. Their property was very indebted, so in 1920 it was sold to people living in the municipality.
The “Upper” manor house, currently the Monastery of St. Joseph, is a magnificent Baroque mansion built in the second half of the 17th century. Next to it is a park with a chapel. At present, the women’s order “Congregation of the Sisters of the Divine Redeemer” has a seat here.
The monastery and the chapel were renovated at the women’s order’s own expense as part of restitutions after 1989. The consecration of the Monastery of St. Joseph took place on July 14, 1993. Today, the monastery and its surroundings are among the most beautiful areas of the municipality.


Kláštor sv. Jozefa
086 41 Raslavice
Tel.: + 421 54 4792 318
kontaktná osoba:
sr.Gabriela, SDR

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