Albert Bujanovics Mausoleum

In the village you will also find a unique mausoleum of the Bujanovics family probably in classicistic style. The mausoleum was built by Julius Bujanovics (1862–1946), a Saris farmhouse owner and agricultural expert, in a memory of his son. His son was a keen pilot who was stationed on today’s Italian-Slovenian border. According to army […]
Gallery and Museum of Folk Art, Fintice

Gallery and Museum of Folk Art, Fintice was established in 2014 thanks to the project aimed at strengthening the cultural potential of the region. The gallery collects and presents local and regional art. The visitors can enjoy three exhibitions dedicated to Jozef Kolarčík-Fintický (Slovak ethnographer and collector), aristocratic families of Fintice, archeological finds and the […]
The house of the administrator of the Šóš manor house, Hanušovce nad Topľou

The Late Gothic house of the manor house administrator. A part of the Hanušovce historical zone is the house of the manor house administrator, a two-storey building which once belonged to the Šóš family. The building, located in the immediate vicinity of the manor house, served the economic purposes. It was built of quarry stone. […]
Educational trail Sisi, Bardejovské Kúpele

In the footsteps of the Empress Sissi – Elizabeth of Bavaria. On July 1, 1895, 58 years old Elizabeth of Bavaria, the wife of the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria, also known as Sissi, visited Bardejov Spa. She sought shelter, a place where she would heal, relax and let go of her grief […]
Open-air museum, Bardejovské Kúpele

The Museum of Folk Architecture in Bardejovské Kúpele. The Museum of Folk Architecture is an open-air museum located in Bardejovské Kúpele. The museum opened its gates in 1965 and is the oldest facility of its kind in Slovakia. The museum is a branch of the Šariš Museum in Bardejov. The visit will take you back […]
Dukla – Czechoslovak Army Corps Memorial

Dukla – Dukla Pass. The monument is located in the cadastral area of the municipality of Vyšný Komárnik. The monument built in the area where heavy fighting once took place honours the fallen soldiers of the 1st Czech-Slovak Army Corps. The 28 meters high monument with a ceremonial hall was built in 1949 according to […]
Military Historical Museum Svidník

Military History Museum – Svidník Museum Department. The Museum Department specializes in the military history of the Eastern Carpathians during the period before and during the First World War, the interwar period and the Second World War, specializing on the Battle of the Dukla Pass, partisan movement and liberation of Slovakia in 1944-1945.
Ethnographic exposition in nature

Restored objects of folk architecture. The ethnographic exposition in nature – Museum of Ukrainian Culture in Svidník – an open-air museum – spreads over a ten-hectare area in the immediate vicinity of the amphitheater. The ethnographic exposition, made available in 1982, gives visitors a comprehensive idea of the basic living conditions of Ruthenians – Ukrainians […]
Krivany Folk Culture Center

The legacy of our fathers through the eyes of Ján Lazorik. The Center of Folk Culture in Krivany was opened in 2009. The center exhibits collection items of Ján Lazorík who wished to collect as many exhibits characterizing the folk tradition of the picturesque Šariš region as possible. The center exhibits several typical monuments of […]
Water Mill in Krivany

Cultural and technical monument from the 17th century. In the cadastral territory of Krivany stands a remarkable building – a water mill from the 17th century. In the past, the water mill was driven by water fed to the top of a wooden wheel through a trough. The grain was ground between two large stones, […]
Múzeum rusínskej kultúry (Slovenské národné múzeum)

Múzeum zhromažďuje, ochraňuje, profesionálne spracováva, sprístupňuje verejnosti a zhodnocuje dôkazy o hmotnej a duchovnej existencii a aktivitách rusínskeho obyvateľstva. Zameriava sa na múzejnú dokumentáciu vývoja vedy, kultúry, umenia a techniky na území Slovenska, ako aj na fakty o rusínskom obyvateľstve žijúcom v zahraničí (vysťahovalectvo v minulosti a súčasnosti), čo znamená, že sa formuje ako jedno […]
Múzeum Solivar (Slovenské technické múzeum)

Múzeum Solivar (Slovenské technické múzeum) Múzeum Solivar, Národná kultúrna pamiatka patrí medzi najvýznamnejšie technické pamiatky na Slovensku. Areál pochádzajúci zo 17. storočia je unikátnym komplexom technických objektov na čerpanie a varenie soli zo soľanky, ktorý nemá v oblasti technických pamiatok podobného druhu na území Slovenska konkurenta. V objektoch varne soli sa nachádza expozícia s názvom […]