Ethnographic exposition in nature

Restored objects of folk architecture. The ethnographic exposition in nature – Museum of Ukrainian Culture in Svidník – an open-air museum – spreads over a ten-hectare area in the immediate vicinity of the amphitheater. The ethnographic exposition, made available in 1982, gives visitors a comprehensive idea of ​​the basic living conditions of Ruthenians – Ukrainians in Slovakia in the past. The museum displays monuments of folk architecture and housing typical for this part of Slovakia. Typical folk furniture, home inventory, traditional tools and folk art were brought from their original locations. In addition to the dwellings, the exhibition also includes all types of traditional farm buildings: barns, granaries, haylofts, cellars, wells and other smaller buildings which house traditional agricultural tools – various types of wagons, plows, gates, jars, grain baskets and other miscellaneous tools. There are also technical and farm buildings, like a water mill, windmill, water saw and other smaller objects located along the stream, as this is the best place to demonstrate their features and operation. There is also a wooden church (d. 1766) from Nová Polianka (Mergeška) with rich interior decoration. 


Otváracie hodiny
Máj – október:
pondelok – piatok od 8.30 do 18.00 h.
sobota – nedeľa od 10.00 do 18.00 h.
November – apríl:
len vopred ohlásené návštevy
Jednotlivci a skupiny si objednajte svoju návštevu na t. č.: +421 54 245 10 01, +421 54 245 10 03
Každú prvú nedeľu v mesiaci je vstup do múzea bezplatný. 

How to get there

The ethnographic exposition in nature, the SNM-Museum of Ukrainian Culture in Svidník is located above the Svidník amphitheater

