Church of St. Martin in the town of Lipany

Gothic church with the altar made by Master Paul of Levoča. Church of St. Martin was built at the turn of the 13th and 14th century in the late Romanesque style in the centre of the then settlement. It was consecrated to St. Bishop Martin of Tours and was a property of the lords living in Kamenica Castle. The founder of the church was Rikolf Tarcai (also spelled Tarczay). The ceiling of the church did not have Gothic arches as it does today. In fact it was flat. It was made of wooden beams and wood panels, making the main nave look more visually massive and monumental. The church tower served as an observatory for Kamenica Castle. Its jewel is the late Gothic main altar from the workshop of Master Paul from Levoča dating from the period 1512 – 1520. The church is surrounded by a small park and alleys of linden trees, the oldest of which is over 320 years old.
Photo: David Hanko


Kostol sa nachádza v strede námestia a správcom je farnosť Lipany.

Farnosť sv. Martina,
Komenského 20, 082 71, Lipany

Tel: 051/45 721 08, Mobil: 0905/893 215



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Friday, February 21, 2025

Lipany, Slovensko