Renaissance Manor House of the Soos family, Hanušovce

Renaissance Manor House of the Soos family, Hanušovce

Renaissance Manor House (“Small”) Hanušovce.
The construction of the Renaissance Small manor house is closely connected with the Sóos family who acquired the town as early as 1346. The manor house was built in 1564 as a two-storey block building with period architectural features (layout, stonemasonry and sgraffito decoration) of a representative aristocratic residence. The main entrance used to feature a stone portal with an inscription SÓOS STEPHANUS – ANNO – Later on, the inscription was, sadly, used as a step in the garden.
At the time of the anti-Habsburg uprisings, a circular tower was added to the southern corner of the manor house in the 17th century to help with the defence. The small manor house acquired its final Renaissance form at the end of the 17th century.
Following renovation, the manor house became a popular place for cultural and social events and also houses the local library, the gallery, and the small concert hall.


Mestské kultúrne stredisko mesta Hanušovce nad Topľou
Šóšovský kaštieľ (Malý kaštieľ)
Zámocká 150/2
Hanušovce nad Topľou
+421 917 055 797

Otváracie hodiny:
Pondelok – Streda 07:00 -15:30 – knižnica je otvorená pre verejnosť
Piatok : 07:00 -12:00
Pred návštevou odporúčame preveriť telefonický resp. mailom otváracie hodiny.

Šóšovský kaštieľ –  Malý kaštieľ nájdete v centre mesta Hanušovce nad Topľou.



Events in Šariš region


Sunday, October 13, 2024

Archeopark Hanušovce nad Topľou, Hanušovce nad Topľou, Slovensko