Bardejovské Kúpele

Bardejovské kúpele

Spa full of peace and healing energy. Bardejovské Kúpele is located 5 km north of the town of Bardejov in the picturesque valley of the mountains Low Beskids in an area rich in mineral waters. The first written record on the local mineral dates back to 1247 to the document of Belo IV. in which […]

Letné kúpalisko Sun Park

Letné kúpalisko Sun Park na Sídlisku III má v prevádzke plavecký, rekreačný a dva detské bazény. Voda v nich je ohrievaná na 25-30°C. K ponuke zariadenia patrí aj minigolf, plážový volejbal, stolný tenis, detské ihrisko a stravovacie zariadenia. Video Sun Park Zdroj a foto: Sun Park

Wellness Club Placidus Ruská Nová Ves

Wellness Club Placidus Ruská Nová Ves. The wellness club is located near Prešov in the municipality of Ruská Nová Ves. The Roman baths-style wellness is a great place to unwind and enjoy yourself. Indoor and outdoor saunas (steam, dry, infra bio, large Roman sauna), sauna ceremonies, cooling pool with counter-current, whirlpool, tropical rain, ice bucket, […]

Wellness and Spa hotel Ozón Bardejovské Kúpele

Even if you are not a patient at the spa house, you can enjoy all the procedures the spa has to offer. In the water world there are two relaxation pools and a children’s pool. Sweat your problems away in the sauna world: dry, steam and inhalation sauna, as well as infrared sauna. The sauna […]


Drienica – a great place to visit either in summer or in winter. The municipality of Drienica lies below the southern slopes of the Čergov Mountains, four kilometers north of Sabinov. The municipality itself offers a beautiful attraction – a two-storey log house from the beginning of the 20th century, which was declared a national […]

Rekreačný areál Delňa

Rekreačný areál Delňa bol vybudovaný v 50-tych rokoch 20. storočia, asi 5 km od centra mesta Prešova. Areál je tiež známy bohatou flórou. Nachádza sa na rozsiahlej ploche 15 hektárov a poskytuje priestor na rekreačné športy. Návštevníci majú možnosť využiť športové ihriská na volejbal, plážový futbal a pingpongové stoly. Areál okrem vodnej plochy ponúka vďaka bohatému trávnatému a […]