Manor House, Jarovnice

Classicist Manor House Jarovnice

In Jarovnice, in addition to the originally Renaissance manor house, there is another aristocratic residence in the south-eastern part of the municipality. The ground-floor block building with a dominant columned portico with Tuscan columns and a triangular tympanum on the east façade is surrounded by a historic park and the rest of the outbuildings (west of the manor). The main façade of the manor house is vertically divided by pilasters with profiled heads and footings. Horizontally, the façade is divided by a bossage at the level of the plinth and a profiled crown cornice with two additional strips, which also revolve around the portico. The bossage and the cornice decorate the rest of the façade, too. Above the rectangular window openings are simple narrow window lintels. The rooms in the longitudinal double wing have with flat ceilings. The noteworthy is also rich Art Nouveau decoration of the ceilings in the eastern wing’s northern-most room. There is no room like this in the rural environment of the Šariš region. The rectangular paintings show geometric shapes bordered around the perimeter by illusory cornices, while the cornices are also used to separate individual figures. The decoration is clearly dominated by floral motifs, complemented by figures of angels around the corners, heads of the devils cleverly hidden among plant motifs and other, mostly ancient figures.
The building was built at the end of the 19th century by the nobleman Szinyei-Merse Pál, a world-renowned painter and a member of a family which had owned the municipality since the Middle Ages. He lived and created many of his works here. He died in 1920. The manor house has undergone only minimal construction modifications. The building is a flagship of a rural aristocratic residence architecture from the end of the 19th century. The manor house is set in the park that occupies the eastern edge of the former orchard. The park dates back from the 19th century. The manor house, together with the landscaping, was declared a National Cultural Monument in May 2013.


Obecný úrad Jarovnice
Jarovnice 223
082 63 Jarovnice
Tel.:+421 (51) 459 42 06
Tel.:+421 (51) 459 42 33

Kúria sa nachádza pri hlavnej ceste v parku, v smere od obce Lažany po ľavej strane.



Events in Šariš region


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Monday, January 20, 2025 - Friday, February 21, 2025

Sabinov, Slovensko