John Lennon Alley

Come and “Imagine”!

Near the Basilica of St. Giles in Bardejov, in the adjacent park you will find the shortest alley of the town “Alley of John Lennon”. This small place will offer you not only peace and rest but also interesting stones with the names of the most famous albums with the names of The Beatles members. Themed facade sculptures and portraits graphics of the legendary group members at the adjacent house will also catch your eye. It belongs to the local Beatles enthusiast Pavel Zajac, who lives in the house. On its western side, there is a creatively forged part of two well-known songs of Liverpool’s The Beatles, as well as a metal triptych and an embossed portrait of John and Yoko Ono. In the basement of the house is a gallery dedicated to Lennon and The Beatles.
Every year on December 8, a reverential event is held here to mark the anniversary of the assassination of John Lennon.


Uličku nájdete iba pár krokov od Bazliky sv. Egídia na Radničnom námestí v Bardejove.



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