Wooden Church of St. Paraskeva, Potoky

The Greek Catholic wooden church was built in 1773. It was dedicated to St. Paraskeva. Luckily, the church was spared the horrors of the two world wars. The major repairs took place between 1956 and 1957.

The church is made of logs and is divided into three parts, has three rooms and three towers topped with three crosses. The entrance is located in the western part – through the vestibule. The temple is that has only two windows in the sanctuary and two in the nave. It also has an unusually high main tower.

The five-tier iconostasis depicting lesser-known saints is a national cultural monument. It is believed that it dates from the mid-18th century (like the altar).

Northwest of the temple stands a massive wooden bell tower on low foundations. Its floor plan is rectangular. The church narrows upwards and is topped with a single-armed cross. There are three bells hanging in the bell tower, one of which dates back to 1839.


Kontakt: 054/ 742 23 95

Gréckokatolícky drevený Chrám svätej Paraskievy
091 01 Potoky

Kontakt: K. Fečová +421 908 854 845


