Wooden church of St. Archangel Michael UNESCO, Ladomirová

The Church of St. Archangel Michael is a wooden church with a bell tower from 1742 located in the municipality of Ladomirová. The church was dedicated to St. Archangel Michael and was built without a single nail.
During the Second World War, the right side of the iconostasis was badly damaged. Fortunately, it was restored in 1946. The church was damaged again in 1957, when a linden tree fell on it during a brutal storm. The church has been a national cultural monument since 1968 and was entered on the World Heritage List on 8 July 2008.
On the southern side, there is a wooden bell tower secured from the outside by vertical spruce boards. The church was built in the style popular across the Transcarpathia and the regions spanning almost to the river Poprad. The so-called Lemko style (Lemkos are an ethnic group inhabiting parts of Transcarpathia) is evidenced by the classical square floor plan with a central extended nave, covered by a wooden dome (like the presbytery). The vault is connected with the walls through an atypically shaped octagon without pendatives typical for temples built by Hutsuls (ethnic group) (see the only church in Nižný Komárnik: https://www.regionsaris.sk/kam-ist/svidnik-a-okolie/dreveny-chram-ochrany-bohorodicky-nizny-komarnik).
The octagon motif of Russian-Byzantine origin was used only in this part of the interior; the rest of the interior follows the tradition of Lemkos, as evidenced by three onion dome shingles roofs. The church tower dominates the space reserved exclusively for women. The towers and the two-storey tented roofs above the sanctuary are topped with onion domes with metal crosses. The remarkable feature of the sacral complex is its stepped gable roof covered with shingles. This roof served as an inspiration for the church in Mirola https://www.regionsaris.sk/kam-ist/svidnik-a-okolie/dreveny-chram-ochrany-presvatej-bohorodicky-mirola  and Hunkovce https://www.regionsaris.sk/kam-ist/svidnik-a-okolie/dreveny-chram-ochrany-presvatej-bohorodicky-hunkovce . The log building and the space below the tower are covered with vertical spruce boards with slats. On the west side of the nave is a small choir with a wooden windowsill.
In the front part of the building’s fencing, a part of the wooden beam enclosure with a shingled roof and also an entrance gate with a low pyramidal roof covered with shingles have been preserved. The iconostasis and altar, which dates from the middle of the 18th century, are also worth noting.


Kontakt :
Gréckokatolícky farský úrad
Ladomirová 134, 090 03
tel.: 054/7525300, 0910 513 308
mobil: 0907 471 212
Bohoslužby:  každá tretia nedeľa: o 9.00 hod. (od apríla do novembra), cez týždeň: vo štvrtok o 17.00 hod., v sobotu: o 8.00 hod.

