Wooden Church of Saints Cosmos and Damian, Vyšný Komárnik

The wooden church from 1924 was built on the site of an older wooden church from 1700 destroyed in the First World War.

The church is dedicated to the Byzantine saints, the brothers and healers Cosmas and Damian. It has a large vestibule with a prismatic tower protected by vertical boards. There are four bells in the tower. Individual icons testify of the Eastern Church liturgy.

The church is made of logs and stands on low stone foundations. The church is divided into three parts, has three rooms and three towers with three metal crosses. The entrance is from the west side through the hall. There is no matroneum. The widest part of the church is the nave. One of the most interesting features of this temple are the tall windows in the sanctuary and the nave.

The four-tier iconostasis is relatively new, they probably date back from the construction of the second temple. The entire iconostasis was restored in 2006.


Kontakt: Gréckokatolícky farský úrad Krajná Bystrá +421 54 759 33 30; +421 907 767 523
o. duch. Burda +421 910 842 261
Zdroj: www.drevenchramy.sk

Fotky: Henryk Bielamowicz



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