Regetovka bog

The Regetovka Bog National Nature Reserve. The bog is located near the municipality of Regetovka, at the foot of the hill Paledovka in the mountains Busov, approximately 520-550 meters above sea level. On an area of ​​2.55 hectares, it represents a rare bog habitat. It is located in a wet depression, locally called Stav, which is flooded by streams flowing along the flysch formations. The wettest part, continuously covered with peat, is located in the middle of the depression. It is overgrown with typical groups of shrubs, alder and willows. Depending on the depth of the peat, we can find there several types of plants. Some areas used to be regularly mowed in the past, thus creating the conditions for very rare plant species. Meadows flourish with sedges, bogbean, sundew, crested fern, broad-leaved marsh orchid and the very jewel – the marsh calla. The plants thrive in peat bogs and moss. Similar communities are nowhere to be found in whole eastern Slovakia.


How to get there

The easiest way to get to NNR is from Regetovka, starting in front of the Cactus restaurant. From there, a hiking trail marked yellow will take you to the NNR. The route leads through the forest and uphill most of the time and takes around 15-20 minutes.

Alternatively, set off from the former Center for Environmental Education of the Slovak Environment Agency at the edge of the municipality. In the past, an educational nature trail with 13 info panels led to the NNR from there. Today, there are only 5 info panels. The marking along the nature trail has practically disappeared over time although you will find marks now and then. If you are not familiar with the route, take GPS or a map with you – we do not want you to get lost.



Events in Šariš region


Saturday, September 28, 2024

Mestský úrad, Radničné námestie, Bardejov, Slovensko