Mansion, Pečovská Nová Ves

The Classicist Mansion Pečovská Nová Ves

The Classicist mansion (last owner being Elemír Péchy), which is the oldest historical monument in the municipality, was built by Gabriel Péchy. You will not find the same building anywhere in Central Europe. It is a single-storey building with a rectangular floor plan with two flat risalits in corners and a central, protruding portico, which ends in a triangular pediment. The mansion was surrounded by a park.

A similar mansion was once stood in Hungary, but it is now a ruin, unfortunately.


Obecný úrad Pečovská Nová Ves
Hlavná 33
082 56 Pečovská Nová Ves
Tel.: 051/4583 121

Kuria s parkom je situovaná v juhovýchodnej časti intravilánu obce, severovýchodne od štátnej cesty.



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