Aquaruthenia Svidník

Aquaruthenia – an aquapark with year-round operation. The aquapark and swimming pool in Svidník’s Aquaruthenia are open all year round. Inside you will find swimming pools of various kinds – relaxing, salt, massaging, indoor pool with hot water and water attractions for the whole family. The year-round wellness center with sauna, salt cave and Kneipp water therapy will help you feel relaxed. In summer, the swimming pool, children’s pool and the pool with artificial waves are open to visitors. There is also a cafe, parking and free Wi-Fi as well as a camping site in the area.


Letný areál:
Otvorený koncom júna do začiatku septembra
Celoročná prevádzka:
Pondelok: sanitárny deň
Utorok – Štvrtok: 13:00 – 20:00
Piatok: 13:00 – 21:00
Sobota: 10:00 – 21:00
Nedeľa: 10:00 – 20:00

Kontakt: Bardejovská 37, Svidník 08901
Recepcia: +421 918 548 882

Aquaruthenia – Vodný svet Svidník

Cenník celoročnej prevádzky
Kryté bazény a wellness s celoročnou prevádzkou
Bazény a vírivky
Dospelí Deti/Seniori Rodina 2+2
1 hodiny 7,00 € 5,00€/5,00€ 16,00€
2 hodiny 10,00€ 6,00€/8,00€ 22,00€
3 hodiny 11,00€ 7,00€/8,50€ 24,00€
4 hodiny 12,00€ 8,00€/9,00€ 28,00€
Celodenný 18,00€/10,00€/12,00€/36,00€
Sauny/soľná jaskyňa
Dospelí Deti/Seniori Rodina
2 hodiny 6,00€ 4,00/5,00€ 15,00€
3 hodiny 7,00€ 5,00/6,00€ 18,00€
4 hodiny 10,00€ 6,00/7,00€ 22,00€

Aquapark je na začiatku mesta Svidník zo smeru od Bardejova po ceste E77.

